An Introduction!

Let's get this ball rollin'...

Who the heck are ya?

I'm Grandpa.

No, really.

A guy (currently) in his 30s. That's about it.

Do you look like a Grandpa?

You tell me:

Is that really you?!?


What're ya doin' here?

Clawin' back my little slice of the pie. My little hovel, on the internet, as free of other social media trappings as I can muster.

Whatcha gonna write about, then?

I figure I'll write about what I wrote about in my last venture at "web-logging" - so, uh...mostly about games I'm catching up on. 

I do enjoy some movies, mostly old bad ones, and "anime," mostly the oldest and crustiest of them. Most of the games I like a pretty old, too. 

I'm...not actually a grandpa, but I'm a grandpa at heart.

And even then not really.

Buddy, I love your moxie, where else can I find ya?

As linked above, I've got a cohost account that I'll keep floating for as long as they can keep the lights on. It's got some embarassing old writing there, if you can't get enough of the embarassing new writing here.

I've got an account on Twitch that I almost never use, but would like to! If you wanna watch a guy flail at Hitman, you know where to go...

If you somehow got here past my main page...huh! How'd you do that?

Finally, you can find me and some of my chucklehead friends posting over on selectbutton, a forum on the internet. If you're going there from here...please be nice, and cool. Don't make me look bad.

OK that's it!

I thought I was doing the bold lines in a hypothetical asker's voice, and I think that one was me. Unless the asker is about to sock me one! Ah, jeez!!


This article was updated on November 29, 2023